
In Person Services

  • My usual treatments involve laser and needle acupuncture.
  • Sometimes with a side of herbals.
  • Sometimes with a side of physiotherapy.
  • Sometimes with fitting for a therapeutic or assistive device (brace, harness, or cart). 
  • Occasionally with a side of food therapy.

  • Patients must have a separate primary care veterinarian for ALL of their other veterinary needs. 
  • Once your primary care veterinarian has diagnosed your pet, I can give you an idea over the phone about how much acupuncture is likely to help, or not. 

What is acupuncture? 

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body in order to achieve therapeutic benefit. 


Eastern medical theory says that acupuncture works by moving and balancing energy or qi within the body. Qi flows through channels or meridians that traverse both the surface of the body and internal organs. When the body is balanced, qi flows smoothly and the patient feels and functions well. When qi becomes stagnant or depleted, the patient experiences pain and dysfunction. Acupuncture is a method of restoring the flow of qi in order to diminish pain and to support healing and well being.


Western medical theory says that acupuncture works by evoking physiologic reactions that can diminish pain, decrease inflammation, improve circulation, and promote healing. Not all acupuncture points are anatomically similar, and stimulation of different types of acupuncture points elicits different types of physiologic responses.

Either way, acupuncture can be a useful tool for all manner of health problems.

Not all patients tolerate needling, but many surprise their people. I do not sedate or muzzle or restrain patients for acupuncture. I will either earn their trust and acceptance or I won't. 

I also often use a
Power Medic Laser to stimulate acupuncture points. The Power Medic laser is a FDA approved medical device that stimulates the mitochondria in cells to generate more ATP -- essentially "powering up" the cells that it reaches 2 to 3 cm beneath the surface of the body.  So the patient benefits in two ways:  from the laser treatment AND stimulation of acupoints.   


  • I am not interested in a high volume practice. I select patients and clients who will most benefit from what I can offer.    
  • Services are home-based. I do not have a clinic space. A few patients meet me at my art studio.
  • I start and end my days in Kona. Most of my patients are within 30 minutes of the Kona Airport. 

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